
  • What does ABON stand for?

    ACS Business Owners Network

  • Is ABON part of the ACSOBA (Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys' Association)

    No, we are not part of the ACSOBA. ABON was started by ACSian business owners to serve ACSian business owners.

  • When did you guys start this?

    We had our first ABON gathering on 6th May 2019 where we had 9 guys different industries (real estate fund management, men’s apparel, corporate training, IT infrastructure, construction & the Arts.

  • Why did you guys start ABON?

    We (Jason, Jonathan and Bryan) were trying to find a ACS business group but realised that even though we had 130 over years of history, there was never a group that brought ACS business owners together. So we thought “since we couldn’t find one, let’s create one”

  • Is your focus like BNI where its all about business?

    We are quite the opposite. The main focus of ABON is about learning and relationships and not about soliciting business. In fact, soliciting business is not allowed within ABON.

  • What does the logo mean?

    It means the letters A.B.O.N.
    Inside the hexagon:
    ‘a’ is on the left and ‘b’ on the right. ‘N’ is the combination of both ‘a’ & ‘b’.
    It also symbolises the ∞ (infinity sign) to show that learning and relationships are a continuous journey.
    The hexagon:
    ‘O’ is represented by the hexagon. The hexagon is nature’s most common and powerful shape. It is also the strongest in structural builds. ABON is about creating a lattice for members to build long-lasting relationships.

  • What are the core activities of ABON?

    ACSess: Where 6 member meet once a month for 2 years for the purpose of learning and building deep relationships
    Communal: Gathering of ACS business owners over drink or dinner
    Showroom: Business owners get to showcase their businesses. The purpose is to seek for investments or expertise from other ABON members.

  • What are the core values of ABON

    • Learning
    • Community
    • Rekindling the ACS spirit

  • What identity does ABON members express?

    Voracious Learner: Always seeking personal and professional growth
    Business Maverick: Always aiming to be the top in their industry
    Community Builder: Always having a people-focused perspective


  • Must I be a member to join a Communal?

    No, non-members are welcome!
    2 criteria to join Communal:
    1) ACS Alumni: As long as you are an Alumni of ACS (min 1 year in any of the ACS institutions)
    2) Business owner: You are a business owner (as reflected in ACRA shareholding). If your name is not on ACRA as a shareholder but you are a 2nd gen business owner or have proxy shareholdings, you are welcome to join our next Communal.

  • How often do you hold your Communal?

    Every 2 months

  • How do I reserve my seat?

    Members: Just need to inform your ACSess lead
    Non-members: Make payment through the link provided on the Communal page

  • Is there a priority if there are limited seats?

    Members will get first rights to the Communal. And if space is still available, it will be made public for non-members to sign up.

  • What are Communals for?

    Learning: Sharing of practical & localized business knowledge from other ACSian business owners.
    Community: For ACS business owners to come together and get to know other ACS business owners in Singapore and build new long-lasting relationships.

  • How many Communals can a non-member go for?

    Maximum of 3 Communals. Members are able to join as many Communals as they want.


  • If I am a member of the OBA, am I automatically an ABON member?

    No. ABON is independent from the ACSOBA. ABON has its own membership criteria.

  • What is the requirement before I apply to be an ABON member?

    You must attend 3 Communals within a 12 month window before applying to be an ABON member. There will be an interview process that you must pass before becoming a member.

  • What if I fail the interview?

    You will not be able to be an ABON member.

  • What must I do as a member?

    There are 2 tiers to our membership.

    • Communal level: You have the freedom to attend as many Communals as you would like without the cap of 3 for non-members.

    • ACSess level: You will be assigned an ACSess that meets once a month. Attending the Communals are encouraged but not required.

  • Can I be a member to go for Communals and not attend ACSess?

    Yes. You are welcome to join us and attend our Communal. However, we do encourage you to join our monthly ACSess meetings as that is where members experience the highest growth and deepest friendships.

  • How much is membership fees?

    Membership is at $1,200 per year.

  • Why must you collect membership fees?

    As an organization, there are running costs that are incurred. 100% of the membership fees go to running ABON. There are no fees paid to the management team as they are doing it as a labour of love.